Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) invites applications for one-year, renewable post-doctoral fellowships in geospatial and/or data sciences. ANAMED, located in Beyoğlu, Istanbul is dedicated to fostering research on the archaeology, art, heritage, and history of Anatolia through fellowships, exhibitions, symposia, publications, and library collections and services. To help facilitate a group of new initiatives under the heading “Linking Anatolian Pasts” (LAP), ANAMED is opening new post-doctoral fellowships.
The primary responsibility of fellowship holders will be to help develop interactive research tools and the underlying data infrastructure for a linked set of multi-period and multi-scalar research datasets currently siloed in separate repositories. Datasets include historical aerial imagery, photographs, maps, manuscripts, archives, museum objects, whole archaeological databases, and more, and tasks include data harmonization, linking, and creative display to enable smooth access to and research across datasets, leveraging diachronic potentials for longitudinal research across Anatolian pasts.
Successful applicants will have expertise in open-source software; Python, R, and/or PHP scripting; SQL, PostgreSQL, and PostGIS databases; and specific combinations of experiences including, but not limited to:
- Georeferencing, orthomosaic generation, and image-service tiling from large sets of archival aerial and remote sensing imagery;
- Generation of DTM and DSM products via structure-from-motion, bundle-block adjustment, or other photogrammetric multi-view stereo image analysis techniques;
- Development of web-based DB and GIS tools (e.g., Leaflet, Mapbox, or similar) enabling layer-toggling, textual and spatial querying, and feature digitization and export;
- Disparate data aggregation and DB normalization and management; and
- Familiarity with ISO, CIDOC CRM, and other standards, semantic mapping, and publishing for integration with Linked Open Data (LOD) networks.
Successful applicants will have the following qualifications:
- PhD in geospatial sciences (e.g, GIS, remote sensing, geomatics), data sciences, and/or related social sciences and humanities fields;
- Demonstrated expertise in a combination of the tasks, techniques, and technologies described above;
- Demonstrated interpersonal, organizational, and collaborative skills for working within teams;
- Ability to work independently and to prioritize multiple, simultaneous projects;
- Ability to communicate effectively (written and spoken) in both English and Turkish with faculty, administration, staff, students, and researchers across Türkiye; a third language is a plus;
- Flexibility in work schedule, as needed; and
- No military obligations.
The successful applicant will be provided a fellowship stipend commensurate with experience, a research account, and assorted other benefits.
The successful applicant will be ready to start the one-year fellowship soon after completion of the application review process. Renewal thereafter is contingent on project progress and available funding.
Required application materials include (1) an application letter detailing the applicant’s relevant experience and motivation to win a fellowship; (2) an up-to-date CV; and (3) the names and emails of two referees. Up to two relevant publications or writing samples are welcome, also. Applicant materials must be submitted via email to anamedapplication@ku.edu.tr. Application files should be saved as MSWord or PDF files, with filenames containing the applicant’s last name. Questions should also be addressed to anamedapplication@ku.edu.tr.